Mao Tse Tung’s assertion does not educate
but does investigate a thirst trap for knowledge. You spittle spattle criminal translations while a blinded man gropes his fishies. Such cuntish dispositions stem from a cuntish decision
a cuntish decision stems from a cuntish judgment
+ a cuntish judgment stems from a Thoreau
+ necessary recuntaissance
+ from Poundering on
+ piecing together a Dada of various cunts gathered through recuntaissance. With zeal a thirst trap for knowledge is hobby-cock. Does a hobbyhorse have a hickory dick. Does a fish still have fellow feelings after discarding a drowsy dross. All these applicable accounts
Marlowe minds
already maid to proceed a study of imaginary dyes. Besides
a study working out plant sex organs cuntpletes a process of knowing a situation’s visions
+ projects. Petraches an enemy’s situation retaining a true fool edging closer to a butt’s cracked petal. Eliminating false cuntsciousness so as to stick to limits of investigative capacity measured in cuntparison to weight gain frenzy threatening to smack upside a head with a dislodged bookshelf.
Thank you for not pushing all this oxygen
+ phosphorus up a bookcase. You grabbed all this potbelly
snurgling pathedick. Thank You for applying all these possible
+ necessary methods of recuntaissance
cuntpaining about adoring a condom after sex. Writing planners speak detergently so as to manner a social cipher swelling to pin down a laser Marx on paparus. A preposition threads one word to another so a baby understands a reference other than mama. Remain superficial or get to a cuntrete essence or a walnut will replace this throat
filling it with accounts of one's shelves. Silence’s rights. When I finally lobby this shelf to speak a decision becomes nil from heavy drinking. So I drink only water
+ as a special treat